
FPF needs to hire staff lawyers like the NAACP and ACLU. I wish to form FPF Foundation Litigation unit ("FFL”) for our FPF members.

The charter will provide that the mission of the litigation unit is "to conduct litigation to benefit FPF members and to pursue law reform litigation in promoting the welfare of children and parents in FPF strategic issue areas.” Cases are selected on the basis of whether they raise important constitutional issues, benefit a large number of children and/or parents, or give visibility to a problem faced by many children and parents dealing with the child welfare system. The FFL also educates the public and will conducts other legal advocacy, but will not lobby.

The FPF Board will not select individual cases, we:
(1) monitor whether the FFL is following the litigation priorities;
(2) approve performance requirements and monitor whether they have been achieved; and
(3) supervise and evaluate staff so long as they do not try to influence decisions that can properly be made only by an attorney.

Family Preservation Foundation believes every child deserves a happy, healthy and safe future with their family and loved ones. We are working to save the children of America. Since our founding, we’ve changed the lives of many children in in the United States. We give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes to save our children – every day and in times of family crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share. We are a top-rated charity.


To send feedback, suggestions or to request information on Family Preservation Foundation, Inc. 
contact: info@familypreservationfoundation.org| Tel: +1 (866) 469-5777 or +1 (732) 377-2038