PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF PARENTS & CHILDREN.... The 11th amendment says, "Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to the law in a public trial". Currently this is not happening in CPS cases. Parents must have all the guarantees necessary for their defense and jury trials relating to severing parental-child relationships.

Prevent Childhood Trauma

Prevent Childhood Trauma


Medical Experts Oppose Family Separation!


Youth Civil Liberties

Youth Civil Liberties


To Remain Safely with Biological Parents!


Parental Rights

Parental Rights


14th Amendment Fundamental Right!


Keeping Families Intact

Keeping Families Intact


Defending Our Children!!


Protected Liberty Interest

Protected Liberty Interest


Jury Trial Required For All Family Separations!


American Heritage Act

American Heritage Act


Relative Placement Before Foster Care!

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Children's Rights, Parental Rights, Family Preservation, and Family First Issues. The ones dealing with constitutionality, civil liberties, racial disparity in child welfare / foster care system and government overreach. The ones nobody talks about at cocktail parties. The ones that people turn a blind eye to. We go looking for them in order to save the children of America, who are being unwarrantedly traumatized by unnecessary family separation. There is ample evidence, from leading doctors and professionals in their fields, that children are traumatized when they are forcibly separated from their parents. This forced separation will have long-lasting negative consequences for the safety, health, development, and well-being of children. Forced separation disrupts the parent-child relationship and puts children at increased risk for both physical and mental illness. There is overwhelming evidence that children need to be cared for by their parents to be safe and healthy, to grow and develop. Our goal is to insure children are with their biological parents or extended family whenever possible and safe to do so.

475+ 11,500+  100,000+ 
children rescued from child protection services, kept out of the failing foster care system and/or reunited with their families because of our efforts.  video education and guideline packets were given to parents to help them know their rights when dealing with child protection services people were educated on TV and social media concerning government overreach, the family court system and family preservation.

15. Does Section Three Subject Parental Rights to Judicial Whim?

15. Does Section Three Subject Parental Rights to Judicial Whim?

How does the Parental Rights Amendment keep the government from stepping in and taking our children whenever a judge just decides his opinion is better than that of the parents? Is Section Three really necessary? Won’t judges use it against good parents?

Parental Rights are fundamental rights, but they are not absolute. Section Three carefully defines the balance between the two, in words taken from existing Supreme Court decisions.

“…demonstrating that its governmental interest as applied to the person…”

To claim that no “governmental interest” exists at all is to claim absolute parental rights. This is not the aim of the Parental Rights Amendment.

However, because fundamental rights are so important to our freedom as Americans, the government must meet a heightened burden of proof in order to restrict those rights. In early 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court used this very language in a religious liberty case. According to the Court, the government must "demonstrate that the compelling interest test is satisfied through application of the challenged law 'to the person'--the particular claimant whose [fundamental right] is being substantially burdened." Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, 546 U.S. 418, 430-431 (2006). The text of this proposed parental rights amendment merely takes this well-established principle of law, and applies it explicitly to the fundamental right of parents..

“…of the highest order and not otherwise served…”

In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court held that in order for the state of Wisconsin to override the rights of Amish parents, the government had to show that it had a compelling interest in requiring students to stay in school until age 16. Speaking of the right of the parents, the Court said that "the essence of all that has been said and written on the subject is that only those interests of the highest order and those not otherwise served can overbalance legitimate claims to the free exercise of religion." Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 215 (1972) (emphasis added).

The Court has applied the same standard in other cases, including Widmar v. Vincent, 245 U.S. 263, 268-270 (1982) (protecting the right to free speech), Aderand v. Pena, 515 U.S. 200, 227 (1995) (defending freedom from racial discrimination), and Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520, 546 (1993) (involving freedom from invidious attacks upon one’s religion). At least 120 lower rulings have used the same language.

As a result of these precedents, this language sets parental rights on the same legal level with other fundamental rights – including the freedom of speech. It also sets a very high, clearly-defined standard that must be met before government can interfere with parental rights. Namely, the law as applied to that case must advance interests of the highest order, and there must be no other, less-obtrusive way to achieve the same ends. Compulsory education laws were in question in Wisconsin v. Yoder, and they were found not to meet the required highest order interest standard.

Mission Statement

"Saving American children! The Family Preservation Foundation (FPF) is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization whose mission is to save our children from unwarranted trauma, while defending and preserving the individual rights and civil liberties guaranteed to children, parents, and families in this country by the Constitution, and laws of the United States. Specifically, as it relates to Children's Rights, Parental Rights, Family Separation, Child Protection Services, and Foster Care. Nonpartisan, the FPF works through family education, litigation, public policy, publicity and media educational efforts on government overreach. FPF has over 12,000 members in its parent association. The FPF provides assistance and legal aid in Child Protective Services and Foster Care cases when it considers civil liberties to be at risk. Furthermore, FPF desires to ensure that no person is denied their right to equal justice because of their socioeconomic status or income. Families with children are the elemental unit of a society, the reproductive cell; without healthy families, the entire U.S. enterprise unravels." 


Dwight D. Mitchell - Founder and Executive Director



Family Preservation Foundation believes every child deserves a happy, healthy and safe future with their family and loved ones. We are working to save the children of America. Since our founding, we’ve changed the lives of many children in in the United States. We give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes to save our children – every day and in times of family crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share. We are a top-rated charity.


To send feedback, suggestions or to request information on Family Preservation Foundation, Inc. 
contact: info@familypreservationfoundation.org| Tel: +1 (866) 469-5777 or +1 (732) 377-2038