Family Preservation Foundation Statement on Racial Injustice
August 23, 2020
Black Lives Matter
Piscataway, New Jersey (August 23, 2020) – Family Preservation Foundation (FPF) President Dwight Mitchell issued the following statement, reflecting upon the past week when millions of Americans have rallied together to make their voices heard and to take a stand against racial injustice: “FPF mourns the tragic, senseless killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Manuel Ellis and the countless others who have lost their lives due to unrelenting racial injustices. We stand in proud solidarity with the Black community and all those who have suffered from the hate and racism that is far too present in America today.
As an advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives and opportunities of children, we believe no child should grow up in fear that they themselves, their parents, uncles, aunts, siblings and friends could be killed because of the color of their skin.
One of FPF’s founding principles is that all children should have access to high-quality early childhood education that begins at birth and carries them through kindergarten. Yet, research by the National Black Child Development Institute has shown that Black children do not have equal access to high-quality early education and are suspended or expelled from programs at higher rates than any other race. That is unacceptable, and we will do more to address those disparities. We owe it to Black children, their families and our future.
We do not have all the answers, but we are dedicated to learning, listening and adapting. As an organization fueled by grassroots advocates, we will provide anti-racism training for staff and advocates. FPF believes Black lives matter.
On Thursday, Reverend Al Sharpton powerfully eulogized George Floyd, speaking of the strength of grassroots organizations and movements, such as the movement sweeping across the country right now. FPF joins this movement and marches in solidarity with the Black community, particularly Black children and their families, as well as our Black colleagues and volunteers.
To paraphrase Reverend Sharpton, ‘time is out’ for making excuses, for empty words and empty promises. FPF remains committed to working with our advocates and coalition partners to fight injustice and racism in the early education system.”
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