
Family Preservation Foundation Blog

Doctors Caught on Tapens Whose Parents Refuse Vitamin K Shots

(Image credit Pixabay)

By: Megan Fox

After a class-action lawsuit was filed in October against several hospitals, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), and several doctors, audio has surfaced of some of the defendants in the case plotting to collude with DCFS to take children away from parents extra-lawfully. Recordings of these doctors at a committee meeting appear to bolster the plaintiffs’ claims that the hospitals and agencies named in the suit “used the power given to them as State officials and/or employees and through their authorities and investigative powers to cause the Plaintiffs to be threatened and coerced into accepting unwanted and unnecessary medical procedures,” as alleged in the lawsuit.

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12-Year-Old Foster Child Goes on 8-Month School Strike, Begging to Return Home; CPS Refuses to Budge

Justin and Aliyah Banta during supervised visitation.

By: Megan Fox

Aliyah Banta has been in thirteen foster homes over the last fifteen months in the state of California. She was a normal pre-teen girl when she was taken from her father, Justin Banta, for allegations of abuse. Since then, her father has been trying desperately to get her back. About to celebrate her second birthday in state custody, Aliyah says she has suffered the worst of America’s foster system, all because she exaggerated the details of a fight she had with her dad to a teacher at school. According to Aliyah, she lied. And the punishment she has received for it is way more than any child deserves. She has been physically threatened by other residents, forced to sleep on the floor, starved, covered in bed bug bites, had her property stolen, was kept from communicating with her father, and forced to live in substandard conditions that would get any family arrested for neglect.

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Child Protection Services under fire to help Black families

Parents, attorneys, activists and community supporters of the bill gathered in the Minnesota House after the final committee hearing of last year’s legislative session on March 28, 2019. Kelis Houston is second from the right in the second row, seated between Rep. Rena Moran and activist Sharon Greene. 

By: Dwight Hobbes, The Spokesman-Recorder 

"The narrative has been created by Hennepin and Ramsey County that Black parents are abusive, use drugs, are so stressed out by poverty they beat their kids,” Kelis Houston of Village Arms, a nonprofit supporting African American families impacted by Child Protection, told the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder (MSR).

The repercussions of this narrative have proven disastrous for many of the state’s Black children. Concerned parents and their advocates are determined to redress these harmful practices through a bill in this year’s state legislative session because "Black Families Matter".

A September 12 MSR story, “The fight to keep more Black kids in their homes,” introduced the proposed Family Preservation Act. Due to the grave importance of this legislation to the Black community, this second MSR story further examines the practices that are “severing Black children from life as they know it,” in the words of one advocate, and talks with the people who are insisting this stop.

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Why No Media Festival of Grief over American Kids Being Murdered in Foster Care?

A man holds a Mexican migrant child as he jumps the border fence to get into the U.S. side to San Diego, Calif., from Tijuana, Mexico, Saturday, Dec. 29, 2018. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

By: Megan Fox

The media is throwing a coordinated Festival of Grief for the two children who died after a perilous journey where they were dragged over a thousand miles of harsh desert by their parents. One caught the flu and died even after being given care in an American hospital and the other was starved to death by her father, who admitted he hadn’t given her any water or food in two days. As regrettable as those two deaths were, how it says anything about America is beyond me. But the media Enemy of the People has decided that we’re all supposed to hold our Border Patrol responsible for the bad decisions of caravaning parents. Not only that, but they are hell-bent on painting America as a heartless place.

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Family Preservation Foundation Litigation Unit

FPF needs to hire staff lawyers like the NAACP and ACLU. I wish to form FPF Foundation Litigation unit ("FFL”) for our FPF members.

The charter will provide that the mission of the litigation unit is "to conduct litigation to benefit FPF members and to pursue law reform litigation in promoting the welfare of children and parents in FPF strategic issue areas.” Cases are selected on the basis of whether they raise important constitutional issues, benefit a large number of children and/or parents, or give visibility to a problem faced by many children and parents dealing with the child welfare system. The FFL also educates the public and will conducts other legal advocacy, but will not lobby.

The FPF Board will not select individual cases, we:
(1) monitor whether the FFL is following the litigation priorities;
(2) approve performance requirements and monitor whether they have been achieved; and
(3) supervise and evaluate staff so long as they do not try to influence decisions that can properly be made only by an attorney.

35-Key Defense Tips & Lessons Learned Regarding CPS

Our number one priority is to keep children out of the failing foster care system and with their families whenever possible!

The Family Preservation Foundation, Inc. (FPF) is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) public interest legal aid organization dedicated to the idea of rescuing children from unwarranted forced parental separation, family preservation, family first ideology, and restoring the respect for children’s rights on the constitutionality of the preservation of the family unit.

Click on the link below to download the PDF companion handout to the video.


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Family Preservation Foundation believes every child deserves a happy, healthy and safe future with their family and loved ones. We are working to save the children of America. Since our founding, we’ve changed the lives of many children in in the United States. We give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes to save our children – every day and in times of family crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share. We are a top-rated charity.


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contact: info@familypreservationfoundation.org| Tel: +1 (866) 469-5777 or +1 (732) 377-2038