In this Oct. 21, 2014 file photo, people opposed to child sex trafficking rally outside of the Washington state Supreme Court in Olympia, Wash. (AP Photo/Rachel La Corte, File)
By: Megan Fox
The U.S. Marshals Service recently launched a nationwide effort to recover missing and exploited children. Three major operations rescued over 100 children, many of them from sex traffickers. But a disturbing trend discovered during the operation should launch a nationwide investigation into the American child welfare system. PJ Media reached out to USMS for details on the rescued children and was told that the majority of them came from foster care. This information was ignored in the initial media reports on the operation. Dave Oney, press contact at the USMS, responded via email to questions about the rescued children.
Operation Not Forgotten: U.S. Marshals Find 39 Missing Kids and Rescue 15 From Sex Trafficking in Atlanta

U.S. Marshalls Service via Flickr
By: Megan Fox
The U.S. Marshals Service put out a press release on Thursday announcing the recovery of 39 missing kids, some of whom were rescued from sex traffickers in Atlanta and Macon during Operation Not Forgotten in the state of Georgia.
“Operation Not Forgotten” resulted in the rescue of 26 children, the safe location of 13 children and the arrest of nine criminal associates. Additionally, investigators cleared 26 arrest warrants and filed additional charges for alleged crimes related to sex trafficking, parental kidnapping, registered sex offender violations, drugs and weapons possession, and custodial interference. The 26 warrants cleared included 19 arrest warrants for a total of nine individuals arrested, some of whom had multiple warrants.
Why Fighting Racial Injustice Must Begin in Childhood

Family Preservation Foundation's Official Statement on Racial Injustice
Family Preservation Foundation stands in solidarity with the Black community, people of color, and all those suffering the racism that pervades our world today. We know that racism and inequity begin in childhood, and limit the lifelong potential of children.
Our organization is built on universal values including child rights, and we work with children around the world suffering the injustice and deprivation of institutional racism. From the moment they are born, millions of children are routinely denied the rights and privileges granted to their white peers – from education, to health care, to housing. Ongoing failure to address systemic racism traps families in a cycle of poverty and inequity that blights every aspect of a childhood and threatens their futures.
Family Preservation Foundation Statement on Racial Injustice

Family Preservation Foundation Statement on Racial Injustice
August 23, 2020
Black Lives Matter
Piscataway, New Jersey (August 23, 2020) – Family Preservation Foundation (FPF) President Dwight Mitchell issued the following statement, reflecting upon the past week when millions of Americans have rallied together to make their voices heard and to take a stand against racial injustice:
Black Children Matter

Being a voice for children means being a voice for ending systemic racism.
No child should grow up in a place where they have to fear the police or the school resource officer. Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, whatever their race, ethnicity, or place of birth.
The road to meaningful policy change is painful. But we will walk it together, united in our opposition to racism, and united in our belief that Black and brown children should grow up in a community that supports and treasures them.
A statement of Solidarity from the leadership of Family Preservation Foundation MN

At Family Preservation Foundation we believe every child has equal rights. Our founders laid the groundwork for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which establishes racial discrimination as a violation of child rights. We have a duty and a responsibility to defend all children everywhere against discrimination based on race and gender.
More Articles ...
- Tips for Talking with Children About Racism and Social Justice
- Federal Court Case Update August 2020
- To transform child welfare, take race out of the equation | Jessica Pryce
- Rethinking foster care: Molly McGrath Tierney at TEDx Baltimore
- The Supreme Court's Parental Rights Doctrine
- Family Preservation Foundation Calls for What’s Right: Reuniting Every Single Separated Family Immediately
- With Hope And Solidarity For Our Children. Black Lives Matter
- In solidarity: Black Lives Matter
- Stop CPS Rally Federal Court Case March 2020
- Dwight Mitchell - Testimony Before MN Legislative CPS Task Force
Family Preservation Foundation believes every child deserves a happy, healthy and safe future with their family and loved ones. We are working to save the children of America. Since our founding, we’ve changed the lives of many children in in the United States. We give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes to save our children – every day and in times of family crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share. We are a top-rated charity.
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